torsdag 2. september 2010


Jeg er best på pyramider, visste dere det? Ble det i gymmen i dag, og gruppa mi bare hadde den beste pyramiden. Så da vant vi.

Begynner å venne meg til tidlige morgener nå, jeg er flink - oppe halv 7 hver dag. Ikke et minutt før, ikke et minutt ett..., ok, kanskje et minutt etter. Ikke så rart når man tar i betrakning de forferdelige mattetimene jeg har. Å - herre - gud. Jeg skjønner ingenting. Ingenting. Så jeg er ganske sikker på at jeg skal bytte til p-matte, tenkte å snakke med rådgiveren om det i morgen, hvis det går ann da. I morgen derimot, skal bli en heeerlig dag. Gleder meg allerede. MLIA.

På skolen i stad, snakka vi om, og da jeg var der inne i stad, fant jeg disse:

Today. I got a new case for My contacts. There was an "L" on the cap made of dots. I was confused by this new design and then contiued to ask my older sister, "I wonder why they have an "L" on the cap made with these dots?" and after we ponderd this question for 2 min. She exclaims "OH! Its Braille! Dummy, you know for the blind people to know which cap is the left one!" After satisfied with this answer I told my little sister about how the world is becoming "Blind Friendly" and about my new case. She then slaps me on the head and says "Blind People Dont Wear Contacts!". MLIA

- Ha ha, skjønte den ikke selv med en gang, men etter å ha lest den en gang til skjønte jeg det. Ha ha. MILA.

Today I bought a bag of peanuts. On the bag, it said "may have come into contact with nut products." Really? I had no idea. MLIA.

- Hø hø *gammelmannslatter*, hø hø.

Today, I was watching "The Last Song" with my two friends, sister, and my dad. While my sister, friends, and I were all laughing at Miley Cyrus's horrible acting, my dad was halfway in tears, telling us to shut up so that he could listen. MLIA

- Ho ho, "Miley's horrible acting", ho ho.

The other day my sister and I convinced this guy that I have an identical twin named Ylona. I now have a picture of me with Ylona, and Ylona has a facebook. The guy still believes she exists. I don't plan on telling him any time soon. MLIA

- Alltid moro når man går til ekstrame lengder (kan man si det på norsk?) for å lure andre, hi hi.

Today, i got off the bus at my school gate and was greeted in arabic by a man who said asalam alaikum (it means something in arabic, i cant remember,) I misheard and said "Han Solo to you too", I then walked away knowing that he wouldnt have understood but i turned around when i heard him say, "may the force be with you". MLIA

- Ah, moromoro når man har inter humor med ukjente folk.


xoxo Synne, skal se på Koht på jobben:)

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